
Christmas Cookies

There are a few things that kick off the Christmas season for me:

Peppermint flavors

Amy Grant's Christmas albums


Baca Juga

Cold weather

Christmas lights

Festive Candles

Decorating the house into a wonderland

And Christmas cookies

My dad has been hinting for Christmas cookies for a while now. The subtle (or not so subtle), "Oh, look they're eating Christmas cookies," or "Wow, those cookies sure look awesome," while we watch various Christmas themed movies or tv shows let me know he really wanted cookies. 

Of course, I love cookies more than most people and was glad to begin the season with some traditional sugar cookies in shapes of trees, angels, stockings, snow flakes and gingerbread men that look something akin to M. Night Shamalayan's aliens in Signs (I really don't know what happened to them).

Anyway, these cookies are a snap to make and perfect to leave out for Santa on Christmas Eve--if there are any left. I'm telling you, they are pretty addicting and so attractive and Christmasy to look at it's hard to say no. But, that's why sweaters were invented, right? Not for the cold weather but to hide the extra Christmas cookies we ingest throughout the season. Personally, that's why I think the hipster-gigantic-thrift-store-sweater demam isu started. Someone brilliant recognized that the bigger the sweaters are the more Christmas desserts we could pack in. 

And then, at New Years, we vow to start the year out with exercise and healthy eating habits so that when sweater season is long gone we look normal. 

Brilliant. Pure brilliance. 

3 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 tablespoon milk
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp almond 
Powdered sugar, for rolling out dough

Beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add in egg, milk, and vanilla and almond extracts; beat. Mix flour, baking powder, and salt. Gradually add in flour mixture to wet mixture. Once dough pulls away from the bowl, turn it out onto wax paper. Wrap in wax paper or saran wrap and chill for 1-2 hours (makes dough much easier to work with). 

Once chilled, roll out dough onto wax paper with powdered sugar sprinkled to avoid dough sticking to wax paper or roller. Roll out to about a 1/4" thick, cut into shapes, and bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes. If you want softer cookies, pull out when the edges are just getting brown. If you want a crisper cookie, pull out when the entire cookie is golden brown. 

1 c powdered sugar
1-2 Tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla (if you want white icing either use clear vanilla or substitute almond for vanilla)

Mix all ingredients together until combined. 

Use food coloring for festive fun! 

Sumber http://crimsonandcloverbakingadventures.blogspot.com

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