
Feelin' Peachy

I really like pie. It's one of those things you can never have too much of.

Especially fruit pies because as we all know, fruit pies, even encased in sugar, are healthier than non-fruit pies. Right? An apple pie a day keeps the doctor away? That's how the phrase goes, doesn't it?


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Regardless of the health benefits or lack thereof, pie is one of those things you can't help but smile at. I dare you to try and eat a slice of pie without smiling. I'm not sure it's even possible, and even if it is, what kind of world do you want to live in where you can eat pie without smiling? It's not something to place on the resume. No one wants to read about your soulless endeavours.

Back to pie. Father's Day was around the corner, and as such, I knew my dad would want pie. His request? Apple. My result? Peach Apple with Peach Ice Cream.

Ooohhh Yeeaahhh.

Ferris Bueller style and all.

There it is in all of its absolute glory. It's just begging to be eaten, and boy was it ever. In fact, it was less 'eaten' and more 'demolished.' But demolished of course with grace and finesse...

It's peach season so please do yourself a favor, purchase peaches, and eat until your heart is content. Even if they attract the pesky fruit flies that I personally think need to be exterminated forever, it is well worth it. 

The apple peach pie is a family secret, however, the peach ice cream is up for grabs!

Peach Ice Cream:

3-4 peaches; peeled and chopped
1/2 c raw sugar
2 c heavy cream
1 c milk
1 tsp vanilla

Puree the peaches in a food processor until they are smooth. In a bowl, mix the peach puree, cream and milk, sugar, and vanilla until well blended. Next, pour the mixture into your ice cream maker. Follow your manufacturer's directions, but with my Cuisinart it took about 20 minutes. 

Peachy-keen. Enjoy!

Sumber http://crimsonandcloverbakingadventures.blogspot.com

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