
Would You Like S'more?

Things you'll never hear me say:

Too much chocolate.

No dessert for me.

Baca Juga

I'm not excited for Christmas.

I don't feel like watching Gilmore Girls.

I'm not in the mood for coffee.

I don't want cheesecake.

I absolutely adore cheesecake. It's rich, creamy, and down right homey. It's one of my favorite comfort foods, and it's possibly my all time favorite dessert. I don't like to pick favorites when it comes to food and desserts because I feel like I'm picking my favorite child, but cheesecake just might warrant a favorite label. Shh. Just don't tell the other kids.

So, there I was, standing in my kitchen, craving cheesecake, and inspiration struck. S'more cheesecake. Part of the s'more was already complete since part of the brilliance of cheesecake is the graham cracker crust. And, since I love chocolate cheesecake, why not add broiled s'mores on top for the perfect winter campfire-without-the-campfire-because-I-don't-own-a-fire-pit-and-it's-pretty-cold-outside-anyway dessert?

I probably should have pulled the cheesecake out of their tart shells for a better/prettier presentation, but I'll be real, I didn't feel like it in the moment. In looking back, yeah, maybe I should have. You live and you learn. Life lesson, all. 

Still though, don't they look Friends-eat-off-the-ground-worthy? 

No? Here, take another gander.

Recipe: (yields one 10" cheesecake--I cut my recipe in half for these three mini cakes)

2 c graham crackers (crumbled)
1/2 c butter (melted)
1 tsp vanilla

2 8 oz packages cream cheese (softened)
1/3 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp espresso powder
1 c melted chocolate 

1 1/2 c marshmallows

Preheat panggangan to 350. Use a food processor to crush the graham crackers. Mix with butter and vanilla. Pour into pie pan and form around bottom and edges.

Using a mixer, blend the cream cheese until light and fluffy. Next, add the sugar and mix. Add eggs one at a time and mix. Add in vanilla, espresso powder and melted chocolate. Once mixed entirely, pour over graham crust. Bake for 25 minutes or until center is almost set (not wet, but slightly--slightly--jiggly when moved). Pull out, place marshmallows on top, and put under the broiler until mallows are golden brown. 

Allow to cool and be refrigerated at least 3-4 hours. 

Sumber http://crimsonandcloverbakingadventures.blogspot.com

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