Avocado Pesto-Ish Pasta
I know, I know. You've probably been seeing this craze around the internet already. Ya know, blending up avocados into a sauce to be poured over pasta. It's hip and it's healthy and it's clearly the cool thing to do.
Like with all internet fads, I always resist the temptation. Like when I see multiple people in my facebook feed posting "You have to watch this video! Its amazing!!" I instantly want to NOT watch the video. So, I resist for about a week and then watch and usually love it.
All of this to say: this avocado sauce is amazing and you should just do it. Trust me. If you're still skeptical, do it because it takes 5 minutes and avocados are wonderfully in season (are they always in season??).
In other news: Look! I made homemade pasta! I'm so fancy (cue that song that plays on the radio every 10 minutes right now).
I made it about a week prior and froze a bit of it for this special avocado occasion.I called it pesto-ish sauce because I think pesto is supposed to have pine nuts in it and I didn't feel like paying $7.99 for pine nuts. So, none of those in here. Anyways, I'm rambling. Let's make this sauce.
Throw 2 ripe avocados, a hefty portion of garlic, juice of a lemon, some olive oil, loads of fresh basil, and a touch of salt into a food processor (or blender if that's what you have). Process for 30 seconds, stir, and process for another minute or so.
That's pretty much about it. I've found that it's best if you put the sauce on very hot pasta. The avocado just kind of melts right in and it's delicious!!
Avocado Pesto-ish Pasta
12 ounces pasta of choice
3-4 cloves garlic
large handful of basil
Juice of 1 lemon or 3 tablespoons
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
Parmesan, freshly grated
1) Prepare your pasta according to directions.
2) While the pasta is cooking, prepare the avocado sauce: combine the avocados, garlic, basil, lemon, olive oil, and salt into a food processor or blender.
3) Blend for 30 seconds and stir. Blend for another 30-60 seconds.
4) Once the pasta is cooked and drained, spoon about 2-3 tablespoons of the sauce onto each serving of pasta.
5) Grate fresh parmesan on top of each plate and ENJOY!
Have you ever tried Avocado Sauce??
Sumber http://bbritnell.blogspot.com
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