Almond Milk Wheat Pancakes
No big surprise here, I'm sure. I'm starting this week out with a recap of my weekend breakfast. Next to sleeping in, breakfast is the best thing about my weekends. I love slowly getting out of bed with no where to be and nothing but thoughts of good coffee, pancakes, and catching up on all of my favorite blogs.
Speaking of blogs, I REALLY wanted to have my new blog fully up and running today, but that simply won't happen. Who knew migrating to Wordpress was SO. MUCH. WORK. Luckily, Stephen is pretty good with computery stuff and has saved me a few times from pulling my hair out. Sigh. It'll be done soon, I hope. Maybe when you're reading this it will be up??
So, anyways, back to breakfast. I think I mentioned last week that I'm trying really hard to eat a little...lighter. On a side note: I generally eat really well, I just have an issue with portion control. My eyes get really big and I want to eat ALL of the pancakes. I digress.
I've been experimenting with a lighter pancakes that is 1) still really enak and 2) a bit more substantial and pancake-y than Banana Protein Pancakes. For this one I used all whole wheat flour, added honey instead of sugar, and replaced the milk with almond milk. The result: super yummy, fluffy, carefree weekend pancakes (or Monday pancakes).
These pancakes come together fast and if you're not me and are capable of properly flipping pancakes and eggs, breakfast will be ready with little hassle!
Start by tossing all of your dry ingredient in a big bowl and giving it a quick stir. Don't worry, I'll add more cinnamon to this later.
Add in the wet ingredients and stir until thoroughly combined.
I kept throwing more things in to the mix. A bit more honey, naturally.
Plus the blueberries, duh.
And as promised, a good bit more cinnamon because I'm obsessed.
Flip carefully! Or you'll end up like me with a half cooked pancake hanging off the side of the griddle. And that's why Stephen usually does the pancake cooking in our house.
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon (or more if you love it, go crazy)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg
1 cup of almond milk (any flavor is fine except chocolate maybe?, mine was honey flavored)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon honey (optional)
1/2- 1 cup blueberries depending on your preference (chocolate chips would also be great!!)
1) Combine flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. Stir.
2) Add wet ingredients (eggs, vanilla, milk) to same bowl. Stir.
3) Toss in berries and honey and stir until well combined.
4) Using 1/4 cup measuring cup, spoon pancake batter into a heated a greased skillet (or griddle).
5) You'll know the pancake is ready to flip once the edges start to set. Once ready, flip and cook for an additional 4-5 minutes.
ENJOY!! I served mine with blue agave. Stephen likes his wife blueberry syrup (yes, even though there are blueberries in the pancakes).
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